Apply For Payday Loan
Personal Loan Enquiry
Only Singaporean / PR is applicable *All fields are required
Payday Loan
Payday Loans are taken out if you have some unexpected financial issues that you will be able to repay once you have your next pay cheque. For instance, if your working laptop broke down, and it either needs repair or you need to get a brand new one urgently. What happens if you have flat tires that needs to be replaced immediately with new ones else it will damage your car rims, resulting in you not being able to travel to work or meet your clients as and when? In both scenarios, you cannot afford to wait until you have your next pay cheque.
Why Choose Payday Loan?
Payday loan is a loan designed to help you for such scenarios where you need to settle some financial difficulties this month but it is within your current salary that you are capable of repaying it the next month. The thing to note is not to take out a hefty amount if you are not capable of returning it as the interest will only snowball and haunt you month after month if payment is not made promptly.
The difference between Urgent Loan Singapore and the rest of the other loans compared, is that Payday Loan is usually on a short-term basis as the amount is not huge. The common scenario that people are using the loan for would be to clear a unforeseen expense rather than a large amount of money for instance downpayment for a private property or for a car. Knowing and understanding which kind of loan package fits your situation would be part of your research and homework as there are different documents needed and the repayment options provided would differ as well. Likewise, Payday Loan Singapore can be used for a short getaway or staycation over the weekends if you have your monthly cashflow planned out and there is no other spare cash to spare. By taking a Fast Payday Loan Money Singapore, you are able to bridge across to the next Payday for prompt repayment without incurring any further charges.
Payday Loan is a good way to bridge and close up a gap from your current pay to the next, it should not be seen or treated like a liability. At any point in time, if you are not comfortable with any single term or clause, you may choose to decline the loan offer and walk out. No Reliable Money lender in Singapore will pressure or force you into taking out a loan that you are not comfortable to commit to.
What to expect when you come down to our office
Upon walking through the doors of Credit Excel, you will be attended by our loan specialist where they will chat with you find out which loan are you interested in. Once we have located a loan type that suits you, we will then guide you through the application procedure while explaining and making sure that you are crystal clear of what you will be in for.
Furnish the mandatory papers that we require and you will get your Payday loan instantly! Credit Excel is one of the fastest approving moneylender in Singapore, not only offering the Best Payday Loan Singapore, but the assurance to all our borrowers the lowest interest rate they can find in the market and the flexibility to plan their repayment by themselves.
Mandatory Requirements and Eligibility:
- Borrowers have to be at least 21 years of age and above
- Valid NRIC
- Valid Passport
- Recent 3 months of your payslip
- Any Billing Proof (Any bills with your residential address indicated)
Other Types of Financial Loans

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Require extra funds for your business? Our SME business loan caters to SMEs and MNCs across different industries in Singapore.
Credit Excel Capital
From Other Money
#1 Trusted Licensed Money Lender in Singapore

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Only Singaporean / PR is applicable *All fields are required